Regency Government Establishes 3 Health Posts For Residents Affected By Mount Marapi Cold Land Floods, West Sumatra

The Agam Regency Government (Pemkab) in West Sumatra (West Sumatra) established three health posts for residents affected by the cold lava flood of Mount Marapi, Monday, May 13. Head of the Agam Health Service (Dinkes) Hendri Rusdian said the three health posts were established in Bukit Batabuah, Galuang Sungai Pua and Ampek Koto. "Bukik Batabuah is the parent post and we established the post for the next few days," he said in Lubuk Basung, West Sumatra, Monday, May 13, confiscated by Antara. He said each post consisted of a health team consisting of one doctor, two paramedics, ambulances and medicines. The medical team was on two shifts. For the first shift at 09.00 WIB to 17.00 WIB and the second shift at 17.00 WIB to 09.00 WIB. "Health services are two shifts and we prepare doctors, paramedics, ambulances and medicines," he said.

Ia menambahkan pelayanan yang diberikan di posko kesehatan berupa pelayanan pengobatan, tindakan-tindakan ringan penanganan luka dan penyuluhan kesehatan."Pelayanan tersebut secara gratis atau tanpa biaya sepersen pun," katanya.Ia mengakui empat kecamatan berdampak banjir lahar dingin Gunung Marapi yang terjadi akibat curah hujan cukup tinggi, Sabtu 11 Mei. Ke empat kecamatan itu yakni, Kecamatan Sungai Pua, Canduang, Ampek Angkek dan Ampek Koto."Saat ini tim gabungan masih melakukan upaya dalam membersihkan material, penanggulangan dan lainnya," pungkasnya.