Driver Blocked By Fog, Bus Brings 18 People Into Abyss In West Lampung

LAMPUNG BARAT - Polsek Sumberjaya mengevakuasi bus Ranau Indah yang masuk goreng sedalam 50 meter di Jalan Lintas Nasional Liwa, tepatnya di Pekon Padang Tambak, Kecamatan Way Tenong, Kabupaten Lampung Barat.

The Head of the Sumberjaya Police, AKP Rekson Syahrul, said the incident occurred at around 03.00 WIB. The bus had 18 passengers.

"Sumber Jaya Police Traffic Personnel, Way Tenong Pospol or Pajar Bulan immediately went to the TKP to secure the crime scene, regulate traffic, evacuate victims to the puskesmas and record victims," he said when contacted, Monday, May 13, confiscated by Antara.

He said, until Monday afternoon May 13, his party was assisted by the surrounding community to still evacuate the Ranau Indah bus that had entered the ravine.

According to him, it is suspected that the bus with police number BG 7901 LP which drove from Bandarlampung to Liwa, West Lampung Regency, entered a ravine because the driver's view was blocked by thick fog.

"But grateful that only one suffered minor injuries and the other was in good condition from the total number of passengers as many as 18 people," he said.

According to him, the victim was immediately rushed to the local health center for treatment. Meanwhile, 17 other passengers were allowed to return to their respective homes after collecting data.