3,047 Udayana Military Command Personnel Ready To Secure VVIP WWF Guests In Bali

A total of 3,047 personnel from Kodam IX/Udayana were prepared to secure very important guests (VVIP) during the 10th World Water Forum (WWF) event in Nusa Dua, Badung Regency, Bali 18-25 May 2024.

The Commander of the IX/Udayana Military Regional Command Major General TNI Bambang Trisnohadi said the thousands of personnel were to ensure that the guests of the summit delegation were safe while in Bali and show the international community that Indonesia was ready to hold the event.

"Essentially, we are ready to welcome this big event to secure the WWF Summit. Indeed, there are some that may need improvement, soon after this all members will also review the terrain, so they really know what their duties and responsibilities are," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 13.

He said the appointment of Indonesia, especially Bali as the host of the largest international meeting in the water sector which is held every three years is an honor as well as trust given by the international community. This honor and trust must be upheld by doing everything possible so that activities can run in an orderly, safe and smooth manner.

Trisnohadi explained that the deployment of troops this time was aimed at checking the readiness of the VVIP Security Task Force (veryveryportantperson), both organizationally, personnel, material, equipment and equipment as well as other supporting facilities that will be used in carrying out tasks in the field.

The VVIP security, he said, must be planned and prepared properly, starting from the readiness of the task force to the readiness of each sub task force in the Pam VVIP Task Force organization.

Although the Udayana Military Command often carries out security duties, the Udayana Military Commander warned that each activity has different potential vulnerabilities, so there is no routine term.

"This is a new operation to motivate all members to carry out their duties properly and zero mistake or without mistakes," said Trisnohadi.

So that security activities can run as expected, on that occasion the Udayana Military Commander conveyed several emphasiss that all participants must follow, namely studying the tasks of the top command to ensure that the main tasks are clearly understood, recognizing unit elements such as Paspampres, Lanud, Lantamal, Polri and other units as well as related agencies in the sector that are their responsibility.

The Pangdam ordered each member to be obliged to know the sectors that are his responsibility individually and in groups.

"The unit commander elements should coordinate and review the location for the placement of security troops, vehicle routes, parking areas, VVIP activities venues, VVIP rooms, evacuation routes and rescue routes as well as vulnerable points that need to be watched out for," he said.

Especially for personnel who use weapons, Trisnohadi asked not to be shown too much, but to remain alert in security positions in order to provide a sense of security and comfort for the 10th World Water Forum participants in 2024.