Presidential Club: Building Solidarity Amid Political Dynamics

The president, as a central figure in a country's politics, attracts attention not only when governing, but also after his term of office ends. The "Presidential Club" concept, which was initiated by Prabowo Subianto, has become a hot topic of discussion in the dynamics of Indonesian politics. The idea of gathering former leaders and important political figures to discuss and contribute to the nation's progress is an interesting one.

The idea of a Presidential Club, an entity that is expected to be able to strengthen relations between former and current presidents of Indonesia. Even though it has received skeptical attention, especially from politicians and observers, the potential for wide-open relations between former presidents could have a positive impact on national political stability.

Various responses came from various political figures. Executive Director of Indonesia Law and Democracy Studies (ILDES) Juhaidy Rizaldy suggested that the Presidential Club idea be strengthened through the Presidential Advisory Council institution. A proposal that can strengthen the position and sustainability of the entity. The chairman of Gerindra stated that this idea would be discussed in the near future, indicating his seriousness in raising this idea to a deeper level of discussion. In fact, the Chairman of the MPR expressed admiration for Prabowo's potential in uniting, describing that if Prabowo Subianto was able to realize this idea. This would be an extraordinary achievement.

Not only from politicians, the response also came from Ma'ruf Amin, the current Vice President of Indonesia. He responded positively to the idea. Meanwhile, SBY, a former president who in the last election became a friend and also faced Prabowo in the political arena, expressed his support and readiness to sit with Megawati in this entity.

However, skeptical views and the obstacles faced are also a concern. Political observers highlight that although this idea sounds good, there are serious obstacles that must be overcome, such as the bad relationship between Megawati and Jokowi and SBY which could be a major obstacle in realizing this idea. Political ego is also a serious obstacle, considering that political dynamics are often influenced by personal and group interests.

In a broader view, by opening the door to dialogue between former leaders, it is hoped that a political culture that is more inclusive and open to new ideas can be created. Looking at an international perspective, the concept of the "Presidential Club" is nothing new. The United States has a Council of Former Presidents that has similar goals. However, differences in political culture and political context between the two countries may pose unique challenges in implementing this concept.

Even though there are still many pros and cons surrounding it, it cannot be denied that this idea opens the door to new possibilities in the dynamics of Indonesian politics. An innovative step which, although doubted by some parties, has great potential to re-knit the threads of political relations that were once strained. The discourse on establishing a Presidential Club in Indonesia has great potential to strengthen political networks and advance democracy. However, mature and inclusive steps are needed to realize the club's vision without ignoring the real challenges that may be faced in the future.

Because there are also those who think that the Presidential Club is nothing more than Prabowo's attempt to embrace PDIP. As is known, recently Prabowo Subianto has tried to accommodate all parties, including political opponents when fighting in the 2024 presidential election. PDIP, chaired by Megawati, is currently a large party and is still the winner of the election.