BMKG: Hot Temperature In Bengkulu Due To Disturbance In West Indies

BENGKULU - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) explained that the hot temperatures that had occurred for some time in Bengkulu Province were caused by disturbances next to the West Indies.BMKG forecaster Fatmawati Winda Meteorological Station explained that the disturbance was a circulation that caused hot air to flow in the Bengkulu Province."Disturbations from the West East Indies which make the Bengkulu region feel hotter. However, the air temperature is confirmed to be still in the normal category between 30-32 degrees Celsius," he said in Bengkulu City, Antara, Sunday, May 12.Even though it rains in the evening, both moderate to heavy intensity, it does not affect the hot temperature that has occurred since some time ago until now."Currently, the temperature in Bengkulu has not reached 40 degrees Celsius, but it is still at 30 to 32 degrees Celsius," he said.With these weather changes, Winda appealed to the people of Bengkulu to reduce their activities outside the home if it was not an important matter.Then increase consuming water and consuming foods, fruits and vitamins to avoid dehydration due to the hot weather that occurs.This was done, because the Bengkulu BMKG predicted that the hot temperature would occur until the end of May 2024.Meanwhile, BMKG Bengkulu also predicts that the transition from El Nino to La Nina in the area will occur from July to August 2024."In May to June 2024 it will enter a transition or neutral period, but in July and August it will enter the La nina phenomenon, but the La Nian phenomenon will not be as strong as in previous years," explained Head of Data and Information at the Baai Island Climatology Station, Bengkulu Anang Anwar.
He explained that the weather between El Nino and La Nina was not influenced by the rainy and dry seasons, but the two climate phenomena would affect the weather.