Changed To DKJ, DKI DPRD Member Kenneth Hopes Jakarta Becomes A World Economic Center

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has signed Law (UU) Number 2 of 2024 concerning the Province of the Special Region of Jakarta (DKJ). This law regulates the relocation of the state capital from Jakarta to the capital city of the archipelago (IKN) in two districts in East Kalimantan, namely Kutai Kartanegara Regency and North Penajam Paser Regency.

The law, which was signed by Jokowi on April 25, 2024, emphasized that later Jakarta will be domiciled as the National Economic Center and Global City. The law also explains that Jakarta, apart from being the National and Global City Economic Center, also functions as a center for trade, service activities and financial services, as well as centers for national, regional and global business activities.

According to a member of Commission D of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the PDI-P faction, Hardiyanto Kenneth, many imagine when Jakarta was no longer the capital of the State and the Capital of Government. Speculation arises but what comes up is more negative. However, is that the case? What is the great opportunity for Jakarta after it no longer holds the capital city?

Kata pria yang akrab disapa Bang Kent itu menambahkan, Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2024, yang disahkan pada 25 April 2024, mengatur tentang Provinsi Daerah Khusus Jakarta, saksi tidak ada yang dasar selain perubahan posisinya tidak lagi sebagai Ibukota Negara dan Ibukota Pemerintahan.

"Jakarta still has 12 special powers that include fields, such as Public Works and Spatial Planning; Public Housing and Settlement Areas; Culture; Investment; Transportation; Environment; Environment; Population Control and Family Planning; Industry; Tourism; Trade; Education; and Health," Kenneth said in his statement, Wednesday (8/5/2024).

Kent also gave an example in the field of the Public Works for Spatial Planning, Jakarta has the authority to build and maintain public infrastructure. Jakarta also maintains planning and regulation of land and space use within certain areas in order to achieve efficient, sustainable, and environmentally friendly spatial planning, which includes zoning determination, urban planning, environmental protection, and natural resource management.

"Mengandang nama baru Provinsi Daerah Khusus Jakarta, peran baru Jakarta tetap strategis. Salah satunya adalah Jakarta dapat melakukan kerja sama langsung dengan daerah, badan usaha dan lembaga, baik di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri secara langsung," beber Kent.

This strategic role also strengthens Jakarta's special authority, continued Kent, as the implementer of the functions of the National Economic Center and Global City. As the National Economic Center, Jakarta will become a center for global economic and national business activities, as well as a support for sustainable national economic development.

"Meanwhile, in the role of Global City, Jakarta will be the organizer of international activities in the fields of trade, investment, business, tourism, culture, education, health, and become the head office of companies and institutions both nationally, regionally, and internationally," he said.

Kent also hopes that after not becoming the capital city of the country, Jakata is expected to be more empty of residents and private vehicles. So that the main problem of this city is that congestion can be broken down.

"Even so, mass public transportation and conservation facilities need to continue to be improved and made more comfortable. The synergy between the provincial government and the DPRD in managing the infrastructure planning budget needs to really touch the crucial point of problems in the community," said the Head of the Disaster Management Agency (BAGUNA) of the PDI-P DPD Jakarta.

Not only that, continued Kent, with transportation management, the hope is that poor air quality due to vehicle smoke can be reduced. In addition, factories in the Jabodetabek area need to be given education to divert energy sources or waste disposal that is more environmentally friendly.

According to Kent, Jakarta needs to improve development towards smart cities. Because the technology system used for the benefit of the community is expected to increase the effectiveness and productivity of its citizens. And also tourism management also needs to be improved so that foreign tourists want to visit Jakarta not only because of business, but also on vacation. "History and culinary tourism in Jakarta can be in great demand by tourists if managed with attractive and educational packaging," said Kent.

Then, what is the role of the Provincial Government and the Regional House of Representatives in Jakarta?

According to Kent, the loss of Jakarta's role as the State Capital is a great opportunity for the Provincial Government (Pemprov) and the Jakarta Regional House of Representatives (DPRD). By no longer bearing the burden of maintaining dignity as the gateway to the country, Jakarta can accelerate growth significantly.

"There are 12 special powers that have made the provincial government able to flexibly but regularly direct the development of Jakarta. If maximized, Jakarta will become New York or Hong Kong for Indonesia. And Jakarta will become a strong magnet and an epicenter for national and even regional economic growth," continued the Chairman of the IKAL (Lemhannas RI Alumni Family Association) PPRA Batch LXII.

However, said Kent, strong control and supervision must also be carried out by the DPRD as a partner of the Provincial Government. The Jakarta DPRD must properly oversee how Jakarta will grow, maximize its potential, and of course become a role model' for other provinces in Indonesia.

"A complete synergy between the two institutions can encourage Jakarta to become a new magnet for the world economy and business, it is not even impossible to replace Hong Kong as an economic center in Asia, or instead replace New York which is claimed to be the center of the world's economy and business," he concluded.