PLN Restores Electricity Affected By Floods And Landslides In South Sulawesi

PT PLN (Persero) has restored electricity supply after floods and landslides due to extreme weather in Luwu, Wajo, Enrekang, Sidrap, and Pinrang Regencies, South Sulawesi Province (Sulsel).

As of Monday 6 May at 08.00 WITA, the percentage of electricity turned on has reached 94.8 percent.

The President Director of PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo, gave direct instructions to all units in all South Sulawesi working areas to work together to help anticipate and deal with flood disasters. PLN is actively involved with the South Sulawesi Provincial Government and various related stakehokders to carry out quick and proper handling.

"When the flood disaster occurred, we focused on securing the electricity network to maintain the safety of residents. We are also synergizing with the South Sulawesi Provincial Government, BPBD and related parties to distribute aid to areas affected by the disaster," Darmawan said in a statement to the media, Monday, May 6.

Since the flood incident, PLN has deployed picket officers for network control and electricity security. PLN also parallelizes ensuring the location points used by residents to gather temporarily and distribute aid to a number of these points.

General Manager of PLN Main Distribution Unit of South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi and West Sulawesi (UID Sulselrabar), Moch. Andy Adhaminordin noted, from the initial data collection on Friday, April 4, a total of 77,397 customers in five districts affected by the disaster experienced an electrical disruption. The disruption was due to damage to infrastructure and distribution substations that were flooded.

"Alhamdulillah, as of Saturday 4 May at 22.00 WITA, 70,638 customers or 91 percent of the affected customers have succeeded in restoring their electricity supply. As of Monday morning, more than 94.8 percent have turned on," Andy explained.

Andy ensured that PLN officers were on standby 24 hours to repair electricity assets affected by landslides in Luwu Regency. Especially for several districts affected by the flood, said Andy, officers will ensure the safety of conditions before turning on the electricity supply.

"Until now, officers are still working to restore electricity supply in the field, repair the electricity assets of the affected PLN. Thank God, the majority of electricity supply in the affected areas has recovered," said Andy.