How To Fix A Noisy Computer Cooling Fan

JAKARTA Fans cooler or cooling fans are one of the components computer needs. This temperature-temperature guard tool must function properly so that your computer can work optimally. Cooling fan works in the background and there should be no sound to be heard, unless high performance is needed. However, the sound that is often heard is not a good sign that you must immediately address the cause. Reporting from Makeuseof, computer cooler fans can work at full speed because fan headers are not connected or damaged and software is problematic. Whatever the cause, this problem must be addressed so that the fan is not aus. Overcoming the overcooling Fan There are several ways you can do to stop the cooling fan from working excessively, one of which is checking the CPU and GPU temperatures. If there is an increase at its temperature, the ventilation may be clogged so that the air cannot flow. To fix it, you need to clean the dust from the fan and air ventilation. If this method is unsuccessful, try to clean the thermal paste on CPU and GPU. You can replace the old thermal paste with the newer one. The next step is to check the background. The software that works in the background may be the cause of the fan not working properly. This could happen because the load of the system is so high that it drains resources.

In order for this problem to be resolved, you have to open a Task Manager and see what apps work in the background. Close any application that you don't think is important, especially if the software has a sizeable capacity. Lastly, you can check the fan connection on the motherboard. Usually, the cooling fan is equipped with a four-pin header that can control the pulse width modulation (PWM). This header ensures that the CPU, GPU, and other fan components work properly. If the temperature is not appropriate, then there is a problem with the connection. Therefore, first check if the fan is properly connected. Make sure the entire fan is installed, after that check if the fan is still working fast. That's some way you can do to fix the cooling fan that works too quickly to produce very annoying sounds. If some of the above methods don't work, you may have to replace or fix the fan.