Korlantas Determines The Fate Of The ETLE Ticket Letter Scheme Through WA Today

JAKARTA - The scheme for sending a ticket confirmation letter through the WhatsApp (WA) short message application has begun. However, the Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police stated that the security guard was still a trial.

"Only in the trial stage," said Director of Law Enforcement (Dirgakum) Korlantas Polri, Brigadier General Raden Slamet Santoso, quoted Monday, May 6.

Korlantas Polri will assess and consider various things during the trial process. It is known, Polda Metro Jaya has implemented the scheme

One of the factors that are of concern is the possibility of abuse. Where, irresponsible parties will use it as a mode of fraud.

The assessment process is planned to be carried out and completed on Monday, May 6. Later, said Slamet, the results of the assessment will be delivered.

"Monday, we will explain it to me first so that there is no abuse," he said.

If the results of the assessment are considered good, then, the scheme will be implemented nationally. But, otherwise, it is possible to find a better way or method.

"If we have passed the assessment and are good, we can nationalize it," said Slamet.

Previously, the Traffic Directorate (Ditlantas) of Polda Metro Jaya changed the scheme for sending a ticket confirmation letter which is now via the WhatsApp (WA) short message application. At least five phone numbers were used.

A ticket confirmation letter was sent to violators through the post in the form of physical copies.

"So initially when the violator was caught on the ETLE camera, a notification would be sent from 5 cellphone numbers from the Ditlantas," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to reporters, Thursday, May 2.

The five phone numbers include 082333343250; 085258869001; 085258868990; 082333343249; and 0878174000.

He conveyed the five phone numbers, said Ade, in anticipation of fraudulent actions that sent ticket confirmation letters in the form of Android Package Kit (APK) format.

"To anticipate irresponsible people deceiving the public. Be careful if you receive files in the form of APK like this, it is certain that fraud, especially not from the 5 numbers we mentioned earlier," said Ade.