KKP Develops National Nila Seed Nets To Achieve Production Targets In 2024

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) is developing a national fish treatment network for tilapia as an effort to increase Indonesia's tilapia production in 2024. To be able to achieve the national tilapia production target of 2024, one of which is pursued by continuing to build a business network and distribution of quality mothers and seeds," said Director General of Aquaculture Tb Haeru Rahayu, quoted from Antara, Monday, May 6.

Tebe conveyed that the pilot project (modeling) of the area-based tila copy fish cultivation with an area of 80 hectares is ready to operate at the Cultivation Fishery Production Business Service Center (BLUPPB) Karawang, West Java, which was built on land-based unproductive shrimp ponds (land based) is not a lake (lake-based). "Hopefully, tilapia tilapia tilapia cultivation technology can be duplicated in encouraging increased productivity of idle (swelling) ponds in Pantura Java. In addition to taking into account financial benefits, it also prioritizes ecology because it is based on land," he said. One of the challenges in increasing the productivity of stalled ponds in Pantura, Tebe added that the need for salin tilapia fish seeds is both qualitatively and quantity so that synergy is needed between the central government, local government, researchers, private, academics as well as other stakeholders in the development of tilap copy tilapia fish, as well as the Nila salin fish's People's Development Unit (UPR) can contribute to the fulfillment of salin tilap fish needs.

The same thing was conveyed by the Director of KKP Coordination and Development Nono Hartanto, there were several challenges in the development of tilapia copy fish cultivation, including the limited availability of mothers and fish seeds, special coaching units for tilapia copy and certification of Good Fish Improvement Practices (CPIB).

Several KKP efforts have been made in the development of copy tilapia fish cultivation. First, intensify the breeding of copy tilapia fish. Second, encourage the breeding unit to release new tilapia varieties. Third, strengthen the tilapia banking network, especially tilapia copy, and continue to increase CPIB certification," he said.

Nono continues to invite the progenitors and planters of tilapia fish to continue to work together, so that cultivators can get superior mothers and quality fish seeds.

Professor of IPB University Prof. Alimudin stated that his party is ready to synergize in the development of processed technology and enlargement of copy fish cultivation and is ready to assist in the production of mother and seeds of tilapia that are tolerant of high salinity, both through conventional and modern breeding methods.