Two Teenagers Named Suspects In Brawl Case In Bandarlampung, One Student Died

BANDARLAMPUNG - Lampung Regional Police have named two suspects, AAP (17) and ERMP (19), in a brawl that resulted in the death of a student named Rizky Abdul Salam Al Qolili in Bandarlampung.

The Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Umi Fadillah Astutik, confirmed that the two suspects were still in the process of being investigated along with a number of other teenagers who were arrested in connection with the incident.

"Of the 14 that have been secured since yesterday, two teenagers have been named suspects," said Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Regional Police, Kombes Umi Fadillah Astutik, in his statement in Bandarlampung, Sunday, May 5.

According to Umi, the brawl incident on Jalan Ikan Mas, Kangkung Village, Telukbetung Selatan District, Bandarlampung, not only claimed Rizky's life, but also injured another student named Reno Surya Agustino (17) who is currently being treated for stab wounds on his back.

"The two suspects have been detained, they are also still undergoing examination and we are still investigating several other teenagers," he said.

The Head of South Telukbetung Police, Kompol Enrico Donald Sicycleuk, explained that of the total 14 people who were arrested related to the incident, no one has been named as suspects. They are still in the examination stage to understand their respective roles in the incident.

"We have secured 14 people, we are still investigating them from yesterday until last night," he said.

Enrico also revealed that during the investigation, the police managed to confiscate three sharp weapons as evidence from students who were arrested.

The brawl that claimed victims occurred on Saturday, May 4 at around 03.00 WIB on Jalan Ikan Mas, Kangkung Village, Telukbetung Selatan District, Bandarlampung. This case is still in the process of further investigation by the authorities.