Habiburokhman: Integral Volunteers In Prabowo-Gibran TKN, Don't Be Divided

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of Gerindra, Habiburokhman, emphasized that volunteers are part of the integral of the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN), and there should be no attempt to divide the two of them.
"Relawans are part of the integral of the Prabowo Gibran Campaign Team," Habiburokhman said in his statement in Jakarta, Sunday, May 5.
According to him, volunteers have been an inseparable part of TKN from the start, and Gerindra's policy is to unite volunteers with elements of political parties in the TKN structure. To coordinate volunteers, a "Kemando Golf Company" was formed specifically responsible for the field of volunteers.
"All volunteers from Pak Jokowi and Prabowo-Gibran volunteers are registered and coordinated at the Golf Command (Relaws field) commanded by Haris Rusli Moty, assisted by Imannuel Ebenezer and his friends," he said.
All volunteers from the Prabowo-Gibran camp, even from the opposing camp, were registered and coordinated at the Golf Command led by Haris Rusli Moty with the help of Imannuel Ebenezer and his team. They all move independently and independently in carrying out their respective duties, without asking for facilities from TKN.
Habbirokhman emphasized Prabowo's enthusiasm to embrace as many elements of the nation as possible. Therefore, he appealed to no attempt to divide volunteers with TKN through toxic politics. He highlighted the efforts of several parties who want to claim volunteer work credit for the benefit of positions in the Prabowo-Gibran government in the future as a toxic and unproductive action.