NasDem Agrees With Luhut: Toxic People Do Damage Performance

The General Treasurer of the NasDem Party, Ahmad Sahroni, agreed with the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, who advised the elected President, Prabowo Subianto not to bring 'toxic' people to the cabinet of his government.

According to Sahroni, toxic people will only damage and hinder the government's performance. "I agree with Pak Luhut. Toxic people really damage the atmosphere and hinder performance. Just a suggestion is also good to be vigilant," Sahroni told reporters, Saturday, May 4.

The Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR assessed that the toxic people could come from supporters and parties who had just supported Prabowo. However, Sahroni is sure that Prabowo can handle it.

"These toxic people will come from various directions, can be new people, and many old people too. (But) I believe Pak Prabowo can manage all of this," said Sahroni. He also believes that those who support Prabowo will also be upright with the president's orders. "And I also think that all parties will obey and be upright when he becomes president later," he continued. Previously, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan revealed his message to Prabowo Subianto as the elected president for the period 2024 2029, not to bring people "toxic" or problematic to his cabinet.

"For the elected president, I said don't bring toxic people to your government, it will be very detrimental to us," Luhut said at the 'Jakarta Future Forum: Blue Horizons, Green Growth' event in Jakarta, Friday, May 3.

Luhut conveyed this message to continue the lessons he learned after working in President Joko Widodo's cabinet for the last 10 years. According to him, the problems in the Indonesian government are regulations by the government that are contrary to national interests.

"I am fixing many of those problems," said Luhut.