Airlangga Raises The Potential For Giant Sea Wall Cooperation When Meeting The Dutch Prime Minister

JAKARTA - On the sidelines of the Ministerial Meeting of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris on May 2, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto met with a Dutch delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister Karien Van Gennip who also serves as Minister of Social Affairs and Labor.

The two ministers discussed a number of strategic issues and cooperation between the two countries, both at bilateral, between regions and multilaterally. Representing the Government of Indonesia, Airlangga appreciated the Dutch's strong support for the Indonesian accession process to OECD.

Airlangga said that Indonesia's membership in OECD is a strategic priority for the Government to achieve the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045. The Indonesian government is determined to meet all membership requirements.

In discussing the development of the Indonesia-EU CEPA negotiations, the two ministers agreed that CEPA is a game changer in an effort to improve Indonesia and the European Union (EU) trade and investment relations. For this reason, it is necessary to accelerate the completion of the negotiations.

"It is necessary to take breakthrough steps to speed up the settlement of negotiations that have been going on for eight years," said Airlangga in a statement to the media, Saturday, May 4.

The meeting also discussed a number of potential collaborations that could be explored. Airlangga raised the potential for cooperation with the Dutch in the Giant Sea Wall development strategic project on the north coast of Java which was welcomed by Deputy PM Van Gennip.

"Netherlands have a long experience in building dams and dams. With pleasure, we are ready to contribute to this strategic project," said Deputy PM Van Gennip.

In addition, discussions also touched on other cooperation issues, such as the follow-up to the implementation of the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), and the development of cooperation in the financial sector.