The Ministry Of Transportation Will Remove The Status Of The Cadets Suspected Of Perpetrators Of Student Persecution At STIP Jakarta

JAKARTA - The Transportation Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMP) of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) will remove the status of cadets from the alleged perpetrator of the persecution of Pelayaran College Students (STIP) Putu Satria Ananta Rustika to death.

Chairman of STIP Jakarta, Ahmad Wahid, said the move was taken so as not to interfere with the ongoing legal process.

"For suspected cadets, BPSDM Transportation will immediately remove their status as cadets so as not to interfere with the legal process," Wahid said in his statement quoted on Saturday, May 4.

Meanwhile, campus management and all related parties will cooperate in the police investigation process.

BPSDMP has also ordered to form a team to carry out internal investigations related to the abuse case. This step is so that similar incidents do not happen again

"Instructing all campuses within the BPSDM Transportation to further increase strict supervision of all cadets' activities and coaching, both education and moral improvement of higher school cadets under the guidance of the Ministry of Transportation to prevent the recurrence of these incidents in the future in accordance with the rules of parenting patterns," said Wahid.

Apart from that, Wahid said that his party regretted the incident. Then, convey his condolences for the death of Putu Satria Ananta Rustika.

"I deeply regret the alleged violence in STIP Jakarta and express my deepest condolences for the death of Cadet Putu Satria Ananta Rustika," said Wahid.

Putu Satria Ananta Rustika became a victim of persecution to death on Friday, May 3. The incident was revealed to have started with the victim's parents who reported that their son had died at STIP.

Regarding the investigation process, the police said that the perpetrator had begun to be identified. However, it still has to be proven by a series of examinations.

"While it is indicated that there are those who we are suspicious of," said Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Wira Satya Triputra.