Finish Your Work Quickly, Here Are 8 Creative Ways Of Thinking

JAKARTA - Creative thinking is visualizing the ideas that come from the senses. Maybe for some people, work related to creative thinking is very easy to complete. Not infrequently the idea production has stopped or is developed into one big work.

Why sense perception? Humans have five ways to grasp the facts around them, among others, by seeing, hearing, feeling, touching, and smelling. From the five senses, creative thinking processes can develop and reproduce.

Everyone has their own capacity for creative thinking, but that is not a limit. This means that everyone can develop their creativity in line with some of their daily activities or habits.

Want to know some common creative ways of thinking? Here's the list.

Creative thinking grows when conditions are tired

Even though this fact is uncomfortable, you don't have to wait tired to get creative. What is needed is to recognize the adventurous mind. The farther the mind wanders, the wider the area involved and can be processed into ideas.

There are generally two kinds of working characters, namely the morning lark or the night owl. If you are a person who is more productive in the morning, then the most creative insights will be easier to find at night, when you are tired.

Based on research on brain performance, when tired the brain is more selective and less distracted or more focused.

Exercise increases creativity

Sweaty sports illustration (Pexels / cottonbro)

What do the movements that make the body sweat have to do with the level of creative thinking? Quoting from Psychology Today, Monday, March 8, sweat is like a hinge lubricant that makes the brain rust so shiny and makes the mind more fluid.

Most noisy places allow for creative thinking

Like in a cozy café, you can work on solving the complexities of a creative project. The noisy place in question has a slow but not very clear sound.

Illustration of working in a café (Pexels/Olya Kobruseva)

From this place, the level of concentration is easier to wake up. Unlike listening to music out loud or quiet, hanging out in a café can generate lots of ideas.

Novelty is equal to the ability in making connections

Meeting illustration (Pexels/fauxels)

Innovation is not a new or original matter, but how to be good at cultivating connections between fields. Existing things can be processed according to one's creative capacity to produce a new product. That means, being creative is not mystical and difficult. But shrewd, tricky, and needs a strategy.


Illustration of a walk (Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

On a journey, you can find many things. Starting from unique, inspirational destinations, different norms and habits as well as discourses that were originally unknown to be explored more deeply. So, take the occasional trip to come up with creative ideas.

Adjust the light and color of the room

Reporting from FastCompany, a room with dim light makes it more creative. This finding was confirmed in six different studies. The reason is, in the dim light a person is more flexible to explore.

Illustration of a dim room (Pexels/Josh Sorenson)

A room in blue and green can also enhance one's creative performance. The red color can improve cognitive performance such as work that requires detail and needs to be focused. Meanwhile, blue and green colors can improve creative performance.

Far from limitation

As many people know, that the limitation will narrow the creative thinking. In one moment, freedom is needed in exploring the adventures of the mind to trigger creative ideas to be born.

Sleep illustration (Pexels/KoolShooters)

The last way to think creatively is sleep, quite simple, right? A researcher mentions a hypnopompic state when falling asleep.

When falling asleep, there is a visual image of the dream that is still lingering. When the dream was realized, for example, the one who found creative ideas from sleep was the painter Salvador Dali.