BMKG Affirms The Large Fault Of The Sumatran Mainland Does Not Trigger A Tsunami

JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) emphasized that the large fault of Sumatra that stretches on the mainland of the island has not triggered a tsunami, as has been the viral video of uploads in various social media accounts recently.

Head of the BMKG Earthquake and Tsunami Center, Daryono, explained that information about the large fault of Sumatra that would cause a tsunami was widely circulated through short videos on social media Instagram with the account name @infobengkulu_,@fyibengkuludan@doli.hasibuan.35

The less than 60 seconds video shows the geographical map of Sumatra Island with vertical red line graphics on the west side of Sumatra and has become public consumption with tens of thousands of viewers from cyberspace.

BMKG deeply regrets this information because it has linked the large fault on the mainland of Sumatra as a source of the earthquake and caused a tsunami on the island in 2024.

The BMKG Earthquake and Tsunami Center Team responded to this and ensured that the information was not true or false because what was informed was not based on science and the impact was very disturbing to residents, especially on the coast of Sumatra.

Daryono explained that the Sumatran fault is indeed the source of the threat of an earthquake so that all parties must always be on standby for it.

"But this Sumatra fault on land does not cause a tsunami, what's more, it is said that it will happen this year, now this part is in the information on the viral video that is not true or hoax," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 3.

BMKG hopes that the relevant authorities can take action with the owner of the account or spreader of false information so that it does not cause further unrest for the community.