Bulog Returns To Salurkan Rice Food Aid, Targets 269,000 DKI Jakarta Residents

JAKARTA - Perum Bulog has again distributed 10 kilograms of rice food assistance (Kg) to the second phase of beneficiary families (KPM) in the DKI Jakarta area. The distribution of this assistance was carried out after previously being delayed due to the process of verifying KPM data.

Bulog President Director, Bayu Krisnamurthi said the second phase of food assistance was distributed to KPM for three months April, May and June 2024. Where, the amount of rice given was 2,690 tons per month.

"This morning we started the distribution of food aid again, yes, for the Jakarta area. And in Jakarta the total beneficiary families are 269,000, so the distribution is approximately 2,690 tons of rice per month," he said when met in Pela Mampang village, South Jakarta, Friday, May 3.

Bayu said the second phase of rice should have been distributed since April 2024 yesterday, but was hampered by the data verification process that was still being carried out by the relevant authorities.

Furthermore, Bayu said that for this reason, this food aid was only starting today, Friday, May 3. He also said that the food aid would be distributed vulnerablely for two calendar months, namely May and June.

This is phase two of food assistance. And phase two is April, May, June, but yesterday there was a data verification process and so on, we will do three months in the distribution of the calendar two months, yes, that's three months of distribution for April, May, June. Distributed, May, June we will finish it there, "he explained.

Meanwhile, the details of 269,000 KPM in DKI Jakarta as recipients of 10 kg of rice assistance consist of 67,000 KPM West Jakarta, 41,000 KPM Central Jakarta, 55,000 KPM North Jakarta. Then, 51,000 KPM South Jakarta, and 2,000 beneficiary families from the Thousand Islands.