11,330 Underprivileged Residents In Central Kalimantan Enjoy New Electricity Plant Tariffs Of 50 Percent

BANJARBARU - PT PLN (Persero) The Main Distribution Unit of South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan (UID Central Kalimantan) has installed a new 450 Volt Ampere (VA) power with a 50 percent cut in tariffs for 11,330 underprivileged residents located in the Outermost, Outermost (3T) areas in two provinces in Kalimantan.

General Manager of PT PLN UID Kalselteng Muhammad Joharifin said the purpose of the program was to ease the burden on the underprivileged by giving new discounts on consumer electricity for the 450 VA tariff group.

"The program is realized for the concern and evidence of the presence of the state to equalize electricity services to all Indonesian people through PLN," he said, quoted from ANTARA, Friday, May 3.

He said the program, which lasted until December 31, 2024, was given to residents who were entitled to the Social Welfare Integrated Data List (DTKS) which is government data from the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"If you use data according to the DTKS list, we are sure that the recipients of the program are really the people who are entitled because they contain all population information with the lowest welfare level," said Joharifin.

He explained that the amount of electricity connection costs for the power of 450 VA the normal price is IDR 421,000, but through the program it is enough to pay IDR 210,500 and the public can take part in the program by submitting applications through the PLN Mobile application, or contacting the "Call Center" PLN 123.

Joharifin emphasized that programs are only for the underprivileged according to DTKS data so that if someone is from outside the DTKS list, they cannot participate in the program.

Therefore, he hopes that the "Giving Light to Build the Country" program will enable people who have a small income and still do not have independent electricity, can take advantage of assistance so that equal distribution of electrical energy to all people is increasingly felt.

"Let's take advantage of this program immediately, especially for underprivileged families and in 3T areas because there is still time until the end of 2024. The more electricity we have the brighter the country we love," said Joharifin.