Good Behavior When Detained Is The Reason Gaga Muhammad Is Released Faster

JAKARTA - Celebrity Gaga Muhammad is known to be free sooner than the East Jakarta District Court's decision of 4 years and 6 months, while Gaga is free after serving a sentence of 2 years and 3 months.

On one occasion, Gaga Muhammad's attorney, Fachmi Bachmid said that this was a natural thing. The reason is in a written law that a person has the right to be released and even remission.

"Yes, it's normal, so it's not like this in the law, it is confirmed that someone gets parole and even the remission of parole is part of the legal process and that's a right," said Fachmi Bachmid in the Cililitan area, East Jakarta, Tuesday, April 30.

Fachmi further explained that the remission could be given to Gaga with the possibility that Gaga behaved well while in detention.

"Alhamdulillah, all the struggles of Gaga herself that he may be orderly, he obeys, as a convict who obeys the rules so that he can be released earlier than from the sentence that must be served," explained Fachmi Bachmid.

Now Fachmi emphasizes that his client is free and free to do whatever he wants and return to being an ordinary society.

"And thank God he's free, and become an ordinary person so he can go to the mall, where he wants to go, anywhere he wants to go in a free condition," he concluded.