Recruitment Of Candidates For ASN 2024 Capai 1.28 Million Formation, Minister Of PANRB Asks For A Speed Input Agencies To BKN

JAKARTA - Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan-RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas said registration of prospective state civil servants (CASN) 2024 could begin immediately.

This is after the validation process is completed based on the results of filling/input of the formation details of each ministry/institution (K/L) and local government (Pemda).

"The PANRB and BKN ministries have accelerated the process of verifying and validating ASN formation from input carried out by K/L and local governments. We hope that K/L and local governments that have not completed input in the BKN system will immediately complete it so that CASN registration will be opened immediately because the public has been waiting for it," Anas said in his statement, Tuesday, April 30, which was confiscated by Antara.

Anas said that there are some ministries/agencies and local governments that have not completed filling in the details of the formation that has been set by the Ministry of PANRB.

"BKN has coordinated. We are sure it can be completed in the near future, and CASN registration can start soon," he said.

The Ministry of PANRB has set a formation for the recruitment of candidates for ASN 2024 in the amount of 1.28 million formations consisting of 75 ministries and institutions as many as 427,850, and 524 local governments as many as 862,174.

The number of 1.28 million to meet the national needs of ASN is 2.3 million in stages.

The ASN in question consists of two categories, namely CPNS which can be applied to by fresh graduates (new graduates of universities) and government employees with a work agreement (PPPK) intended for non-ASN and former Honorary Staff Category (THK) II who have entered the BKN database (database).

The government has prepared ASNs with digital talent from fresh graduates who will become accelerators for bureaucratic machines and public services.

The direction of the ASN recruitment policy for digital talent is designed to have an impact on accelerating the local and national economy, starting from digitizing the agricultural, industrial, tourism sectors, producing MSMEs, trading, and so on.

"So, all of these CASN are digital talents who must have a basic knowledge regarding digitalization. Hopefully, CASN who is recruited will be able to continue the digital leadership," added Anas.

Anas said digital is not only about technology, but also related to digital leadership.

The digital talent in question is divided into two, namely digital talent as a user and as a manager. There are three things that must be considered to present this digital leadership.

The three are digital structure, digital competence, and digital culture.

According to him, digital talents recruited through the procurement of CASN will also be placed in the capital city of Nusantara or IKN which will implement an integrated work pattern with time and location flexibility to support the collaborative and agile work system.

"Therefore, digital talents need to be ready to encourage the acceleration of the wheels of government at IKN," he said.