ICW Regarding Ghufron Reports And Sues KPK Council Members: Frustration Against Alleged Ethical Violations

JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) accused KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron of being frustrated by reporting KPK Council Member Albertina Ho to the KPK Supervisory Board and suing the KPK Supervisory Board to the State Administrative Court (PTUN).

ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana said that Ghufron seemed to have run out of ways after the KPK Supervisory Board investigated his alleged ethical violations. In fact, as a law enforcer he should not have hindered the ongoing process.

"Indonesia Corruption Watch saw the actions of Nurul Ghufron's brother who reported members of the Supervisory Board and sued at the State Administrative Court showing that he was frustrated by the alleged violation of the code of ethics at the Supervisory Board," Kurnia said in a written statement, Tuesday, March 30.

Kurnia said that Ghufron should just undergo an ethics trial which will be held on Thursday, May 2.

It is known that Ghufron was suspected of violating ethics after contacting the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) to discuss the mutation of one of the employees. "It should be as a law enforcement officer, especially a KPK leader, brother Ghufron dares to go to trial and not look for other parties' mistakes that are actually irrelevant," he said.

"Therefore, ICW urges the Supervisory Board not to be influenced by all the right arguments presented by brother Ghufron and to continue the trial process," continued the anti-corruption activist.

In fact, if it is proven that ICW asked the KPK Supervisory Board not to hesitate to impose severe sanctions on Nurul Ghufron, such as Article 10 Paragraph 3 letter b of the Dewas Regulation (Perdewas) Number 3 of 2021. "In the form of being 'asked to resign as a leader'," said Kurnia.

As previously reported, KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron reported KPK Supervisory Board member Albertina Ho to the KPK Supervisory Board for allegedly abusing his authority after coordinating with the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK). In addition, he also filed a lawsuit at the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN).

Albertina personally suspects that the report was carried out because Ghufron stumbled on an ethical violation of his abuse of authority related to the transfer of employees at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) which will be tried on May 2.

Meanwhile, Ghufron submitted the assessment to the public. He only said that the reporting and lawsuits were made because he saw an ethical violation.

"It's our obligation to enforce ethics by obliging to report it," Ghufron told reporters, Thursday, April 25.

"Every member of the KPK enforces the values of integrity and is asked to report it," continued Ghufron, saying that he had handed over the entire process to the Supervisory Board.