Bill Wyman Reveals Reasons For Leaving The Rolling Stones

JAKARTA - In the middle of the Rolling Stones tour, Bill Wyman talked about his departure from the band three decades ago. He also opened up about his life after separating from Mick Jagger cs.

Meanwhile, Bill Wyman officially became a member of The Rolling Stones in 1962, two years before his debut album was released. However, the bassist decided to withdraw from the band and was officially declared out in 1993.

"I left in 1991 but they didn't believe me," Bill Wyman told the Mirror recently.

They refused to accept my departure. Only in 1993, when they started hanging out to tour in 1994, they said, 'Now you're actually gone, aren't you?' And I said, 'I went two years ago',' he continued.

They finally accepted it. So, they said I left in 1993.

Wyman said the decision to leave was taken due to a feeling of boredom after more than 30 years with the Rolling Stones. He wants to do other things outside the band.

"I'm fed up. It was half my life and I thought, 'I have other things I want to do'. I want to do archaeological, write books, hold photo shows and play cricket," Wyman said.

I used to read about ancient culture while on the way and also took photos. I just had another life that I wanted to live.

Wyman has spent the last 30 years writing books, hunting for treasure as a metal detector, and collecting a variety of items, including stamps, music posters, to Rupert Bear's annual books.

"Growing in times of war, we didn't get a prize. But we have Rupert Bear's annual event that we all share. I used to read it out for younger ones, then I started collecting it because I was crazy about them," he said.

"It's something attached to me. I have the whole series to date and I have other items like Rupert scarfs, badges, and stamps. I can fill the museum with it. Maybe one day."

For information, Bill Wyman was back on the album The Rolling Stones, "Hackney Diamonds" (2023). He played on the song "Live By the Sword". It was his first appearance on the Rolling Stones record since 1991.