PKS Ensures Opository Decision Or Support Prabowo Waits For The Results Of The Shura Council

JAKARTA - Chairman of the PKS faction of the DPR RI, Jazuli Juwaini said the certainty of his party getting closer to the ranks of supporters of Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka or outside the government consistently as an opposition would be conveyed after holding a PKS Shura Council Conference.

"The choice of coalition or opposition after the election is technical. What is certain is that decisions regarding coalitions or opposition in PKS are not personal tastes, but decisions from the deliberation of the Shura Council and DPTP, and are dynamic in accordance with the welfare and interests of the people," Jazuli told reporters, Monday, April 29.

Regarding when PKS will hold the Syura Council Deliberation, Jazuli does not want to reveal it. He only said that the inauguration of the elected president and vice president was still October 20, 2024.

"When is the time? Just wait, after all, the inauguration of the president and vice president is still October. In time PKS will announce its positioning," he said.

However, PKS does not close its doors to continue communicating with parties in the legislature and executive, both supporters and non-a coalition of the Prabowo-Gibran government.

"Because (the relationship) has been well established for a long time. PKS leaders are used to gathering with each other," he said.

For PKS, said Jazuli, neither the opposition nor government supporters need to be debated. Because PKS has experience inside or outside the government.

"PKS has 10 years of experience in the coalition during Pak SBY and 10 years of opposition during Pak Jokowi's time. So there is no problem with the opposition, the coalition is ready. We will see the dynamics," he concluded.