Sinopsis Drama China Young Babylon: Perjuangan Yang Chaiyu Dan Neo Hou Merantau Ke Kota

JAKARTA - The romance drama Young Babylon is ready to air today, Monday, April 29. This drama stars Neo Hou and Yang Chai Yu as the main characters.

Young Babylon is adapted from a novel of the same name by Lu Nei. This drama focuses on the story of overseas and the love of two people from the village.

Simak sinopsis drama China Young Babylon:

Young Babylon tells of Xiao Lou (Neo Hou) born and raised in Fukang, a small town on the beach in China. Xiao Lou works as a factory worker at the age of 19.

At that time, changes in China's economic reforms changed which had an impact on Xiao Lou's life in anticipation. He grew up without a hitch and underwent extraordinary changes and decided to travel to the city.

On the other hand, there is Bai Lan (Yang Chaiyu) a young doctor who is not afraid to face anything, including when Xiao Lou appeared and was bad to Bai Lan.

Bai Lan's courage turned out to change Xiao Lou's heart which began to feel love. That feeling grew even more when Bai Lan accidentally hugged Xiao Lou.

One night they also played together until they were accidentally drunk and were in the same room. But when the morning came, Bai Lan asked Xiao Lou to forget their togetherness.

The relationship between Xiao Lou and Bai Lan comes in 26 episodes of the drama Young Babylon which airs starting today, Monday, April 29 on WeTV.