SBI Cilacap Factory Wins Best Award Good Mining Practice Award Central Java Province 2024

JAKARTA - PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk (SBI) Cilacap Factory, a subsidiary of PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG) won the Best 2024 Good Mining Practice (GMP) 1 category of Large-Scale Companies at the GMP Award in Central Java Province 2024.

SBI Cilacap Factory won the Best 2024 GMP award 1 because it was considered to have met 15 criteria in the mining aspect, including Mining Operational Safety, Mining Environmental Management, Reclamation and Pascatambang, Corporate Social Responsibility or Community Empowerment, as well as Mineral Tax Payments.

The award was handed over by the Acting Governor of Central Java, Nana Sudjana to the Quarry Manager of SBI Cilacap Factory, Faik Bakhtiar at Syailendra Dieng Park, Wonosobo, Central Java, on Monday 22 April.

GIS Corporate Secretary, Vita Mahreyni said the 2024 Central Java Province GMP award was a recognition of GIS efforts and its business entities in carrying out sustainable mining operations according to good mining principles in a holistic manner, ranging from technical aspects of mining, occupational safety and health (K3), post-mining management, to community empowerment.

"SIG applies high standards for work safety, including mining activities. The implementation of good mining rules is in line with the spirit of GIS sustainability to create safe and comfortable working conditions, as well as protection of environmental sustainability," said Vita Mahreyni.

In mining activities, SBI Cilacap Factory consistently carries out standard operating procedures (SOP) and K3 policies, especially the Mining Safety Management System. This applies to all employees and contractors. SBI Cilacap Factory also conducts periodic audits and evaluations for improvement and performance improvement. For this consistency, in 2023 SBI Cilacap Factory managed to record zero accidents in mining activities.

Meanwhile, in terms of the environment, until now SBI Cilacap Factory has carried out a reclamation of 110.81 hectares on the post-gamping stone mine land in Nusakambangan and after clay mines in Jeruklegi by planting 81,374 trees. The reclamation is carried out to restore the function of land according to its designation.

"SIG is committed to carrying out good mining rules to realize sustainable development in Indonesia, by meeting the current needs without endangering the capabilities of future generations in meeting their needs, so that good conditions are created for all generations," concluded Vita Mahreyni.