Google Doodle Today Celebrates Alu Rangk Dance, What's That?

JAKARTA - If you open Google today and see something different, you don't. Wrong. Because today Google Doodle celebrates Rangkuk Alu Dance, a dance genre from Manggarai, Indonesia.

In accordance with existing animations, the Rangkuk Alu dance uses a bamboo stick arranged in a box on the ground. Then, some players who hold bamboo will move the stick with a continuous rhythm.

Meanwhile, other players had to step into a complicated pattern to avoid the bamboo. This game then developed into a dance, as many people saw an alignment between the rhythm and the bounce.

As for the rhythm, usually the Rangkuk Alu players use instruments such as drums and emblems sometimes complete the rhythm of beating bamboo sticks.

In the past, this dance was often performed after the harvest season and during the full moon. That's when teenagers gather and also enliven this event.

When dancing Rangkuk Alu, dancers can wear long skirts, head decorations, or wave the ends of the scarf while navigating bamboo.

Not only to train focus and dexterity to avoid bamboo, but Rangkuk Alu also trains, balances, and coordinates of players and dancers.

Interestingly, the people of the Manggarai Tribe also found spiritual and philosophical values in the dance. People who took part in contributing to preserving the richness of the Rangkuk Alu Dance culture.