Ahead Of The 2024 Pilkada, The DKI Provincial Government Ensures 5 Million Blangko E-KTP Available Next Month

Head of DKI Jakarta Population and Civil Registration Agency Budi Awaluddin ensured that the availability of e-KTP blanks for voters for the election of the Governor and Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Province in 2024 remained safe.

Budi said that the DKI Provincial Government has distributed a grant for the procurement of 5 million blanks for electronic ID cards (e-KTP) to the Ministry of Home Affairs. So, people will be able to exercise their voting rights in the 2024 Pilkada because the printing of e-KTP can be served starting next month.

"We from the Dukcapil Service have made a grant for the procurement of 5 million blank ID cards, hopefully the blank vacancy can be fulfilled this year and in May we have obtained it," Budi said in his statement, quoted on Sunday, April 28.

Budi hopes that the availability of e-KTP blanks a few months before the 2024 Pilkada voting can minimize the use of voter sukets.

"So, there is no need to use a suket later. On election day, Dukcapil will continue to open to provide services that require e-KTP," said Budi.

Meanwhile, the Head of the National Unity and Political Agency of DKI Jakarta, Taufan Bakri, hopes that the DKI Jakarta KPU can be more aggressive in socializing to young voters.

"The governor and deputy governor candidates will be elected by about 50 percent of our young voters. Many global cities are expected to compete with global world-class cities, therefore the election for governors and deputy governors in 2024 must be of high quality," said Taufan.

The KPU has set a schedule and stages for the 2024 Pilkada. The nomination stage begins with fulfilling the requirements for support for individual candidate pairs on 5 May-19 August 2024.

Then, the announcement of the registration of candidate pairs on August 24-26, registration of candidate pairs: August 27-29, research on candidate pairs August 27-September 21, determination of candidate pairs: September 22.

Followed by the implementation of the campaign on September 25-November 23, the voting on November 27 vote count and recapitulation of vote count results on 27 November-16 December.