Herjunot Ali Chooses To Stop Alcohol To Maintain Health Conditions

JAKARTA - Celebrity Herjunot Ali admitted that he had stopped consuming liquor (alcohol) or alcohol. This is done by 5 Cm film players not because of religious teachings but because they think about health at a young age.

"There is no problem with religious relations, it's more about health. And I'm sure that in all religions that damage health if you can't do it, you don't have to," he said when met in the Senopati area, South Jakarta, Friday, April 26.

At the age of almost 40 years, even without alcoholic beverages, the man who is active as a DJ can no longer be as active as before.

"I've entered 40, I've lost it, I can't play with clients, I want to go home. I also don't drink anymore, I just pull it better," he said.

"Yesterday, because I lost it, I like stomach pain, the next day I couldn't work anymore, so it was a bit difficult to drink," he added.

Seeing this, Herjunot Ali is now starting to adopt a healthy lifestyle after deciding to stop drinking alcoholic beverages, one of which is by maintaining food portions.

"No sports either. Anyway, don't eat too much, eat enough," he concluded.