10 People Clarified By The KPK Council Regarding Alleged Ethical Violations Of Nurul Ghufron, One Of Them SYL
JAKARTA - The KPK Supervisory Board revealed that there were about 10 people who were asked for clarification regarding the alleged ethical violation that ensnared KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron in the process of transferring employees at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan). One of them is former Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo.
"We will clarify maybe all 10 people. From our internals, from the Ministry of Agriculture, from outside parties," said KPK Council Member Albertina Ho to reporters at the KPK ACLC Building, Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, Friday, April 26.
"SYL also exists, we clarify, we collect evidence," he continued.
Albertina said that from the clarification there were allegations that Ghufron communicated with echelon officials at the Ministry of Agriculture. Allegedly he communicated with officials there but did not specify who.
He only ensured that there was strong enough evidence to continue the alleged ethical violation to the trial which will be held on May 2. Later, Ghufron will also investigate whether Ghufron's efforts to sell his position as a leader will be investigated.
"Regarding that, trading influence or how it might be we'll see after the trial," he concluded.