Ridwan Kamil Diplot West Java Gubernatorial Election, Golkar Stabilizes Ahmed Zaki To Be Promoted In The Jakarta Pilkada

JAKARTA - Secretary of the DKI Jakarta Golkar Regional Leadership Council (DPD) Basri Baco said his party decided to carry the chairman of DKI Jakarta Golkar DPD Ahmed Zaki Iskandar in the 2024 DKI Jakarta Pilkada.

Meanwhile, the former Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, who had entered the stock exchange for the candidate for governor of DKI, is now being prepared by Golkar to run again in the West Java Pilkada.

"We, the results of the regional deliberation, are still (will carry) Ahmed Zaki Iskandar, even though there are the party's best 3 cadres assigned to raise socialization in DKI Jakarta," Baco told reporters, Friday, April 26.

The name of another cadre who previously entered the DKI cagub exchange was Deputy Golkar Deputy Erwin Aksa. Erwin Aksa was issued by the Golkar cagub exchange because he had passed the 2024 DPR RI legislative election for the DKI Jakarta III electoral district.

"There are rules that elected candidates must resign when registering as candidates for regional heads, so Mr. Erwin seems to have a lot of considerations. So, it is very likely that Zaki will remain chairman," said Baco.

However, Baco said that the party led by Airlangga Hartarto was aware that they could not carry it without a coalition of parties. This is because the number of Golkar seats in the DKI DPRD is not enough to carry the candidate for governor and deputy governor.

So, it is possible that Golkar will carry Zaki as a candidate for deputy governor by forming a coalition. What is clear is that the coalition political parties that most likely run with Golkar are no different from the coalition in the 2024 presidential election that carries Prabowo-Gibran.

"Golkar is a party in the top 5, but we can't go forward alone. We only need 10 seats. At least 10-12 seats are needed. So we have to cooperate with 1 big party or 2 moderate parties," explained Baco.

"We are still going to coalition 02. If this alone is very enough. But does Gerindra have a candidate or not? We don't know. PAN has a candidate or not?" he continued.

Previously, the Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party DPP Ahmad Doli Kurnia said his party was more encouraging Ridwan Kamil to run for the West Java Provincial Election than in DKI Jakarta Province.

"With all our calculations politically and also for the interests of development in West Java, maybe Mr. Ridwan Kamil is more relevant, more useful, more useful for the people of West Java," said Doli when met at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Thursday, April 25.