How To Overcome Laptop Battery With A Cross Sign, Don't Panic!
YOGYAKARTA - The quality of laptop batteries will decrease as it is used. When battery health has decreased, the durability will not last long and run out quickly. This condition is often referred to as a battery drop or has been leaked.
Not a few laptop owners complain about the problem of the battery dropping. The condition of the laptop battery that reaches the limit can be recognized from the appearance of a red cross. If you sign this in the battery indicator or the consider replying your battery, notification means there are problems in the battery component.
Maybe you are currently experiencing this problem on your favorite laptop. How to deal with a laptop battery with a cross is important for laptop owners to know.
The emergence of a 'consider replying your battery' notification indicates problems in laptop batteries. This condition often makes users worry about laptop batteries and feel confused about what to do.
Here are the steps to deal with laptop batteries that appear a cross:
The initial tip is to calibrate the laptop battery. Battery calibration aims to normalize the battery so that the actual capacity is read properly by the system. This is intended so that the status of the battery displayed is in accordance with its actual conditions.
Sometimes, a cross appears on the battery icon due to a system read error. This notification often makes users think the battery is damaged and needs to be replaced. Even though the battery could still be good. By calibrating, we can correct the status error.
The following are the steps to calibrate a laptop battery that you can participate in:
For the second reason, you can install service pack 1. This step is an update from Microsoft for Windows 7. This update aims to improve potential damage to Windows 7 operating system features.
Here are the steps to install service pack 1 that you can follow:
For those who wish to avoid the "consider replying your battery" notification, they can do a simple way by changing the battery icon on the taskbar. Thus, notifications from the system regarding poor battery conditions will not appear.
Follow the following steps to replace the battery icon on your laptop:
The last most effective tip to address the consider replying your battery' notification is to replace the new battery. This notification usually shows that the battery is no longer in optimal condition. The battery has experienced a decrease in fast power or capacity has reached the end of its life.
Therefore, the only way to get a good battery performance is to replace it with a new component. In addition to removing the notification, users will also get a longer battery.
Those are some ways to deal with laptop batteries that have a cross. If your laptop appears a cross, try applying a number of steps above or changing the new battery if you don't want to bother. Also read how to overcome the shadowed laptop monitor.
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