So That Dogs Don't Enter Home Pages, Here's How To Prevent It

JAKARTA - Wild dogs that enter the yard can sometimes be frustrating. If you have pets, their behavior will worsen as your yard is marked by stray dogs. What's more, dogs are attracted by the smell of each other, which means this problem has the potential to grow over time. Fortunately, there are some natural, artificial, and even social solutions that can solve your problems, reported by The Spruce, Friday, April 26.

There are several odors that can keep dogs away from your yard, but some products, both homemade and commercial, can cause problems. For example, the smell of any kind of pepper can be an exhaustor of dogs. However, sprinkling pepper can burn the eyes, nose, and mouth of the dog if inhaled. Plus, rain and irrigation will quickly remove it (and the wind will blow it), thus requiring frequent application. Good spray of DIY dog expulsion is safe for dogs and cheap for you.


You can use vinegar to keep dogs away from the yard by spraying them around areas that want to be free from dogs. Dogs don't like the pungent smell of vinegar. As a bonus, vinegar can also help neutralize the smell of urine. So that it prevents other dogs from marking the area using urine.

You can use ordinary white vinegar, or it can also be mixed with water with a ratio of 50:50. Cuka is also used as a natural weedswetter. So, to protect plants, you should simply spray the vinegar solution along the sidewalk or footpath.

Oranges and other sour fruit

Dogs also don't like the smell of oranges. So you can use orange essential oil or even its skin as a dog expulsion. However, keep in mind that its skin can attract the attention ofANGles and other living things, and it is not delicious to just put them in the yard. If you want to avoid this, sprinkle a little essential orange oil in the place you want to get rid of dogs. But don't overdo it, because oranges can be toxic to dogs.

Certain types of fertilizer can actually attract the attention of dogs, especially those that contain bone, fish, and blood flour. The aroma of these products can attract the curiosity of these teething animals to eat the fertilizer. To avoid accidentally pulling a dog into your grass yard, try switching to vegetable fertilizers. The smell of natural fertilizer is not very attractive to dogs.

Natural plant barriers can be effective in keeping dogs away from your yard. In particular, thorny plants can prevent dogs, especially in the form of fences or are planted close together. Some dogs also don't like walking on propagating plants that are difficult to pass.

Timi, rosemary, mint, and basil that have just been planted or harvested are known to drive away dogs. The strong smell emitted by this plant is disliked and will most likely be avoided by dogs, so consider adding this plant to the yard.

There are many popular home solutions to ward off stray dogs, especially cayenne pepper, which have been proven to hurt dogs. Avoid the use of coffee powder, moth balls, garlic powder, tobacco, ammonia, and determinants to get rid of dogs.

The first step to prevent stray dogs from entering your yard is to work closely with neighbors. Be friends with your neighbors. Express your concerns without accusing him or his pets. Ideally, neighbors will start watching their dogs more closely for disturbing neighbors.