Accused Of Attacking Behind The KPK Council Due To Ethics Trial, Nurul Ghufron: No Problem, That's An Assessment Of People

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron was accused of attacking the KPK Supervisory Board for reporting Albertina Ho. He said, everyone must have their own judgment.

This was conveyed in the midst of a polemic of his reporting on Albertina to the Supervisory Board, which was considered a counterattack because he would be tried ethically next month.

"That's an assessment of people, no problem," Ghufron told reporters, Thursday, April 25.

Ghufron only said that he did report Albertina because he was aware of the alleged violations committed. He feels he has an obligation as a KPK human being.

"That's what we have an obligation to enforce ethics by requiring it to report," he said.

"Every member of the KPK enforces the values of integrity and is asked to report it," continued Ghufron, saying that he had handed over the entire process to the Supervisory Board.

Meanwhile, regarding the alleged abuse of authority which will lead to an ethics trial on May 2, Ghufron said he had never handled a person's mutation at the Ministry of Agriculture. Moreover, it happened a long time ago and he considered it expired.

"That happened in March 2022, yes," he said.

Moreover, he also felt that he only conveyed to the superior employee in question. "It's not like it, if there is a child who wants a mutation, it has not been granted for two years, he wants to join his husband," explained Ghufron.

"So the problem then I say that this is in accordance with the provisions of her right to ask for mutations with her husband. That's all (conveyed, ed). I have no emphasis and nothing," he concluded.