South Jakarta District Court Postpones Pretrial Session Of Panji Gumilang Related To Money Laundering
JAKARTA - The South Jakarta District Court has postponed the pretrial hearing proposed by the Al-Zaytun Abdussalam Islamic Boarding School leader Panji Gumilang regarding whether or not the determination of the suspect for the crime of money laundering (TPPU) by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police."In this first summons, namely from the respondent Sub-Directorate III Unit III of the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes (Dittipideksus), the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police has not yet been present," said Public Relations of the South Jakarta District Court Djuyamto in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, April 25.According to him, the pretrial proposed by Panji Gumilang should be held on Thursday today. However, because the respondent was not present, the trial was postponed until May 2, 2024.Djuyamto said that the South Jakarta District Court had confirmed that it had sent a summons to the respondent, but until the predetermined schedule had not yet arrived.Regarding this, the South Jakarta District Court, said Djuyamto, will again call the respondent for the second time, and if he is not present, he will be summoned three times."Usually the respondent's pretrial call is up to three times. So later if May 2 is not present then the next week," he said.Investigators from the Dittipideksus Bareskrim Polri have named Abdussalam Panji Gumilang (APG) as a suspect in the alleged money laundering case with the initial criminal act of embezzlement of foundation money.The decision to increase the status of Panji Gumilang from the reported suspect was taken after investigators together with the internal and external team of the National Police conducted a case title."The conclusion is that the results of the case title raise their status as suspects in the articles," said the Director of Special Economic Crimes (Dirtipideksus) of the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General of Police Whisnu Hermawan at the Jakarta Police Headquarters, Thursday, November 26, 2023.
In this case, Panji Gumilang as the Head of the Indonesian Islamic Boarding School Foundation (YPI) applied for a loan from a bank. Then the money goes into a personal account, while the loan installments are paid from YPI money.From the analysis of the case title, he said, investigators had evidence that Panji Gumilang in 2019 had received a loan from the bank amounting to Rp73 billion.