The Reason For Being Prohibited From Throwing Leftover Oil Into The Wastafel, Stop These Bad Habits!

YOGYAKARTA - After cooking, it is not uncommon for people to throw used frying oil into the sink. Because they want practical use oil, just pour it into the sewer in the sink in the kitchen. Even though this habit is actually not good or not recommended.

For those of you who often cook, you should not throw used oil carelessly. This waste oil should not be disposed of carelessly so as not to cause a bad impact. Including avoiding flowing it into the sink just because you don't want to be complicated.

If you are classified as a person who often commits this bad habit, you should stop it immediately. So what's the reason it's forbidden to throw remaining oil into the sink channel?

Throwing cooking used oil into the sink may not seem like a big deal. Many people still consider it a trivial thing. Once or again, there will not be a bad impact from throwing used oil into the sink.

However, the negative effect of throwing oil in the sink will be seen as this habit is continuously carried out. Although it seems safe, this method can damage sink disposal pipes in the long term. In fact, the water channel in the sink is designed as a waste disposal site.

However, not all waste or cooking residue is safe to throw in the sink channel. Including cooking oil and fat, which has a different composition from water. If the sink is forced to continue to receive oil disposal, the home pipe is at risk of having problems.

In fats and oils, there are generally fat acids, glycerol, and various other complex organic compounds. These compounds are very thick so they can easily stick to places that are exposed to oil or fat. If you pour them into the sewer, it can stick to the inside of the pipe.

The oils flowing in the pipe will cause deposits over time. This condition will block the flow of water passing through the sink drain. If this is the case, various problems can appear such as a foul smell or clogged water channel.

Apart from these problems, you also need to be aware of other bad effects from throwing cooking oil in the drains. The meeting between oil and water containing dissolved substances (such as calcium and magnesium) can form a substance such as wax soap called fatbergs'. This substance can cause corrosion in the drain pipe.

In addition to the tabooness of remaining oil into the sink, you also shouldn't throw it in any place. Here are some dangers or bad effects of throwing cooking used oil carelessly as you need to know:

Many people choose to throw used cooking oil into the ground. Whereas this method can have a bad effect on soil texture. Soil pores can be covered by clumps of oil that absorb. Soil texture can turn harder and eventually find it difficult to absorb water.

As mentioned above, throwing the remaining oil into the sewer can cause blockages. Especially if the oil is channeled in a small channel, such as a sink pipe. This habit has the potential to block waterways and is difficult to repair.

Another bad impact of throwing away remaining oil carelessly is that it can invite the arrival of animals. The protein content in used cooking oil can provoke insects and mice to approach the area. Especially if the discarded oil has a fried food aroma.

That's the reason it's forbidden to throw remaining oil into the sink channel. This bad habit needs to be avoided so as not to cause problems in the sewers in your kitchen. Also read the trending kitchen design.

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