BI Has Not Received Formal Application From Alipay
JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) Filianingsih Hendarta said there had been no formal submission from Ant Group as the owner of the Alipay payment application, to BI to bring Alipay as one of the operators of payment system services in the country.
"Indeed, formally there has been no submission from Alipay to Bank Indonesia as the operator of payment system services," Filianingsih said at a press conference in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, April 25.
Applicants including representatives of Ant Group, a Chinese company founded by Jack Ma, can come to the BI office to ask for a pre-consultative meeting to dig deeper into the required requirements.
"Usually what the petitioners do, the applicant can come to Bank Indonesia to ask for a pre-consultative meeting, so talk first with Bank Indonesia what are the requirements," said Filianingsih.
BI together with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) always ensures that every payment service provider (PJP) meets the aspects of information system security standards, including to provide services for the use of a safe and reliable payment system.
Previously, the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi invited to discuss and strengthen the partnership of one of the global financial technology giants (technical) for the development of economic potential in Indonesia.
The companies in question are Ant International from China and in the discussion there were three things discussed, namely the construction of joint-lab or joint laboratories, strengthening contributions to digital talent development programs through Digital Talent Scholarship (DTS) and Digital Talent Academy (DTA), and discussing safe cross-border data governance.
"ANT Financial Group is willing to cooperate with Indonesia to accelerate the digital economy, especially through digital payments and fintech in Indonesia," said Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi, at the Ministry of Communication and Information Office, Central Jakarta, Friday 19 April.