Revenge Is The Motive For The Persecution Of Junior High School Students In Makassar, Victims Often Careless And Repulsive
The Makassar Police Jatanras team arrested four perpetrators of the persecution of students of SMPN 55 Barombong with the initials MFP (14) on Jalan Taman Saul Tanah, Barombong Village, Tamalate District, Makassar City, South Sulawesi."There are four perpetrators and all minors. They are secured in their respective homes," said Head of the Makassar Police Criminal Investigation Unit Kompol Devi Sudjana in Makassar, Antara, Wednesday, April 24.According to the MFP reporter's statement, the incident began when the victim returned from school on Monday, April 22. Suddenly the victim was approached by six perpetrators. They immediately beat the victim by kicking and hitting.From the results of the interrogation, the four perpetrators admitted that they had abused the victim by kicking and hitting him. This is based on the residents' surveillance camera (CCTV) footage at the scene.CCTV footage of the abuse was secured by the police as evidence, as well as the uniform worn by the victim. This case was handed over to the Women and Children Protection Unit of the Makassar Police.Head of Sub-Unit 1 Lidik IV Women and Children Service (PPA) Makassar Police Inspector Dua Rahmatia said the perpetrators were already at the Makassar Police Station and were undergoing special examinations of children in conflict with the law."There are four perpetrators of violence against this child, but five are here. One witness did not do (the beating), so he was a witness with the initials F. The victim's initials MFP, the incident occurred at 10.00 WITA on April 22, 2024," he said.Of the four perpetrators, three people were students and one other person did not go to school. They each had the initials SW (17), RN (15), FT (14) and RZ (14).The motive is revenge because one of the reported victims is suspected of often being hit by the victim, then complaining to his friend. They were friends of four people then wanted revenge and that's when it happened."Starting from there because he is often being taxed (pailed) by ridicule, so that's what makes his friend even more angry, upset until there is persecution together," said Rahmatia.As for the victim's condition, a statement has been taken and can be active. As for the results of the post-mortem from the hospital, the police have not received it.Although the perpetrators are still children, continued Rahmatia, they are still being processed according to the rules of the children in conflict with the law and the legal process must be put forward."We still apply the adult perpetrators, the child perpetrators remain the same article which is also applied in Article 80 of the Criminal Code, then the threat of a sentence of three years and six months in prison. Only if the child is in conflict with the law, we apply child justice, we will continue to put forward that," he stressed.
"Then, this is for the best interests of the child, we still put the children's rights forward. We are waiting for the results because they must have a companion from the Fathers, that's what we haven't written to Fathers yet. Waiting for the results of all of that, then we will do it for the RJ (restorative justice)," he added.