Five Companies Involved, Only RBT Has Not Been Confiscated By The Prosecutor's Office

BABEL - Head of the Attorney General's Asset Recovery Agency, Amiriyanto, said that he had confiscated all the smelters involved in the 271 trillion case. However, in reality, there are still those that have not been confiscated; PT Refined Bangka Tin (RBT) alias RBT.

"This meeting is to discuss confiscation of assets from existing cases. Tin is the main source of society from Bangka Belitung," Amiriyanto told reporters at the Bangka Belitung Governor's Office, Tuesday, April 23.

Based on VOI's search, and the facts on the RBT field have not been confiscated by the prosecutor's office. Specifically, RBT still looks as if Amiriyanto's statement is just a figment.

In contrast to PT Sariguna Bina Sentosa (SB) which was given a special colored sign and Stanindo Inti Perkasa who received red writing from the prosecutor's office.

VOI tried to conduct an interview with the RBT management, but the security forces from the company did not give permission.