Ucap Terima Kasih Ke Anies-Imin, Prabowo Pesan: Kalau Tidak Kuat Kritik, Jangan Jadi Pimpinan Politik

President-elect of the 2024 General Election Prabowo Subianto would like to thank his former presidential and vice-presidential candidates, Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar who attended the KPU's presidential and vice-presidential appointment.Prabowo said that while competing in the 2024 presidential election, he and Anies-Muhaimin often criticize each other. However, according to him it is part of the democratic system."I was grateful to Anies' brother, Mr. Muhaimin, even though the debate was quite hard. But it's part of democracy, if we're not strong, attacked, criticized, even blasphemed, don't want to be a political leader," Prabowo said at the KPU RI office, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, April 24.The election competition is over. Prabowo hopes that all parties will abandon differences and political competition and cooperate after the election is over. According to him, unity is needed to build Indonesia in facing world challenges to the welfare of the people."Different is good, we debate there is no problem, we are arguing about ideas but the goal must be as big as the importance of the welfare of the prosperity of our people," said Prabowo.In his speech after being appointed president-elect, Prabowo also promised to work for the community, both those who support and do not vote for him in the 2024 presidential election."I thank all Indonesian people. Gibran and I will become president and vice president and will work for all Indonesian people. I will prove that I will work for all Indonesian people, including those who did not vote for me," he said.The KPU has officially appointed Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka as president and vice president elected for the 2024 General Election at the Indonesian KPU office.This is stated in KPU Decree Number 504 of 2024 concerning the Determination of Candidate Pairs for President and Vice President Elected in the 2024 General Election read out by the Chairman of the Indonesian KPU Hasyim Asy'ari."Determining the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 2 H. Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka as pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates elected for the 2024-2029 period in the 2024 General Election with 96,214,691 votes or 58.59 percent of the total national legitimate votes and meeting at least 20 percent of the votes in each province spread across 38 provinces from 38 provinces in Indonesia," said Hasyim when reading the decision.This determination was also stated in the minutes signed by all members of the Indonesian KPU. When the minutes were signed, the ranks of the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN) applauded to celebrate the candidate pair's victory.Prabowo and Gibran couldn't help but smile happily in response to the applause from their winning team. Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar also responded with a smile.
After that, the minutes were submitted to a number of state institutions and all political parties carrying and supporters of presidential-vice presidential candidates in the 2024 General Election. Followed by the reading of a speech from Prabowo-Gibran after being appointed as president and vice president-elect.