4 Defendants Of The Denpasar Satpol PP Office Attack Sentenced To 2 Years In Prison

The Denpasar District Court (PN) judges sentenced four defendants to two years in prison each in a case of assault on members and offices of the Denpasar City Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP).

They are Nanang Kosim (31), Herri (39), I Nyoman Sukerta (44), and Udi Imam Tutuko alias Uut (46). The four were found guilty of committing a criminal act of violence against state officials.

"Sentenced the defendants to two years in prison," said Denpasar District Court Chief Judge I Wayan Yasa when reading the verdict at the Denpasar District Court, Tuesday, April 23, was confiscated by Antara.

Wayan Yasa explained that the four of them were threatened with crime in Article 214 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code (KUHP) in conjunction with Article 211 of the Criminal Code concerning violence or threats of violence, forcing an official to commit an act of office or not committing an act of legitimate office, coercion and resistance committed by two or more people with alliedness. The verdict handed down by the panel of judges was six months lower than the demands of the public prosecutor (JPU) who in the previous trial demanded that the defendants be sentenced to two years and six months each.

Based on the judge's decision, both the prosecutor and the defendants stated that they accepted the verdict.

Sebelumnya, JPU Kejari Denpasar Arisdianto Saragih dalam dakwaannya menjelaskan keempat terdakwa beraksi bersama dua orang anggota TNI bernama Velny Veliksan Sadja alias Fenly dan Jefry Gifary Mukhlis alias Bang Jep (berkas penuntutan terpisah di Peradilan Militer).Peristiwa penyerangan terhadap anggota Satpol PP Kota Denpasar itu bermula dari Satpol PP Denpasar melakukan operasi penertiban terhadap wanita PSK (pekerja seks komersial) di lokalisasi prostitusi sepanjang Jalan Danau Tempe, Denpasar Selatan, pada 25 November 2023.Dalam operasi tersebut, petugas berhasil menjaring sebanyak 33 wanita dan dibawa ke Kantor Satpol PP Kota Denpasar. Setelah operasi tersebut, terdakwa Nyoman Sukerta berkoordinasi dengan pengelola lokalisasi Wayan Suardika dan berencana ke Kantor Satpol PP untuk menanyakan proses lanjutan atas wanita yang terjaring tersebut.Lantas, pada Minggu 26 November 2023 sekitar pukul 00.00 WITA, Sukerta dan saksi Suardika tiba di tempat kejadian perkara Kantor Satpol PP Kota Denpasar. Mereka diberikan izin masuk ke areal bertemu dengan salah satu anggota Satpol PP yang jadi korban I Wayan Wiratma. Keduanya diberitahu bahwa Kepala Satpol PP masih di Singaraja, Bali sehingga, keduanya pun kembali ke lokalisasi.Sekitar pukul 02.00 WITA, ada tamu yang memberikan Sukerta sejumlah minuman beralkohol dan ia pun minum bersama Nanang Kosim, Herri, Uut, Fenly dan Bang Jep di sebuah cafe.Usai minum, seorang karyawan kafe bernama Ardi mengatakan bahwa wanita yang ditahan di Kantor Satpol PP diintervensi dan mengatakan bahwa anggota Satpol PP menantang mereka.Atas informasi yang provokatif tersebut, Bang Jep berseru agar semua berangkat ke TKP. Para terdakwa pun menaiki sepeda motor.

Arriving at the Denpasar City Satpol PP Office at around 04.30, two members of the TNI entered by kicking the gate and spontaneously took out and finding a black gun, but did not do the shooting. After the door opened, they immediately entered and carried out violence. Bang Jep hit one of the Satpol PP members using a gun handle that hit the left cheek and hit the left hand with a stuff that hit the face. So that the person ran. Then hit the glass of the Toyota deer patrol car Nopol DK 8294 B using a gun handle.Fenly helped by hitting with his right handpaling twice the forehead and neck of the Satpol PP member. Meanwhile, Sukerta held the neck of the Satpol PP member from behind when he was attacked by Fenly and ordered the woman who was netted to leave the office. Nanang Kosim then beat twice on two Satpol PP officers who hit the stomach and one of them hit the left cheek. Defendant Herri also entered the office and ordered the woman who was secured to come out. While UUT hit Satpol PP officers twice on the left cheek and temple with black stone taken in the office environment.