South Kalimantan Police Detain Bhayangkari Person Suspect Of Fuel Investment Who Loses Rp39 Billion Victim

BANJARMASIN - Investigators from the General Criminal Investigation Directorate of the South Kalimantan Police (Kalsel) detained FN (27), an individual Bhayangkari, a suspect in an oil fuel investment (BBM) type diesel, allegedly fraudulent with the total loss of the victims reaching Rp39 billion."The suspect has been detained since Monday, April 22 night in the detention cell of the South Kalimantan Police Director of the General Criminal Investigation of the South Kalimantan Police, Kombes Erick Frendriz, in Banjarmasin, Antara, Tuesday, April 23.Furthermore, investigators completed the filing and immediately handed over the suspect and evidence to the Prosecutor's Office.Regarding the confiscated evidence, Erick admitted that he could not detail and the suspect's assets were still being collected.Until now, it is suspected that there are still many assets belonging to the suspect related to the fraud case under the guise of fuel investment."We hope that the suspect can cooperate in showing which assets are related to the case that ensnared him," said Erick.It is known that this fraudulent fuel investment case has been carried out by the suspect since 2020 by promising a five percent profit every month to the victim.
The profit has continued to be given for four years, but since January 2024 the reported party has been unable to share profits, so the victims, which amounted to dozens of people, feel cheated and finally make a police report to the South Kalimantan Police.