2 Months Fugitive, Couples In Licensing Cases Arrested By South Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office In A Clinic
The South Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) has arrested two fugitives from the Soppeng District Attorney's Office. Both are on behalf of the convicted woman Ferawati and a Riski man who have been convicted in connection with the adultery case.
"After knowing the location, the team moved quickly and managed to secure two convicts at a clinic located on Jalan Sunu, Unhas Barayya Complex, Makassar City," said Head of the Information and Legal Section of the South Sulawesi Attorney General's Office in Makassar, Tuesday, April 23, as reported by Antara.
The two defendants in this case were subject to a criminal act of licensing and violated Article 284 paragraph (1) of the 1 letter b of the Criminal Code.
The two defendants were legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing the act of licensing based on the Decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia dated January 30, 2024 number: 81/Pid.B/2023/PN Wns with the following decision.
To declare that the defendant Ferawati alias Fera bint Arafa and the defendant Riski alias Ikki are legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing the crime of adultery. Sentencing the two defendants to imprisonment for seven months.
The arrests of these two convicts were ordered by the Head of the South Sulawesi Attorney General's Office, Agus Salim, considering that both of them had been named fugitives from the Soppeng District Attorney's Office for approximately two months since the criminal decision was declared inkrah or had permanent legal force.
In addition, both of them have been properly conveyed with three invitations for execution, but the person concerned ignored and did not have good intentions, making it difficult for the Public Prosecutor to carry out the execution so that a People's Wanted List (DPO) was issued.
The two of them left Soppeng Regency on January 19, 2024, and live in the boarding room on Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, precisely behind Mall Nipa Makassar and are active in a Mutiara Laut food stall in front of the South Sulawesi Governor's Office. Both of them are active as Elyas Extension (algebraic embroidery) staff.
"The two convicts have been arrested, then handed over to the Executing Prosecutor to the Soppeng District Attorney for execution," said Soetarmi.
His party appealed to all fugitives who have been designated by the Prosecutor's DPO to immediately surrender and be held accountable for their actions because there is no safe place for fugitives.