Requirements For The 2024 Open University Masters List

YOGYAKARTA - Want a master's degree but work sambal? On average, people will suggest entering the Open University, aka UT. So what are the requirements for the Open University Masters List?

For prospective students who can take part in education in the Post-graduate Open University Program, they must have an educational background that is in accordance with the provisions and has been declared to have passed the entrance test. What are the requirements? Let's discuss more below!

Offered Department Program





Masters Of Administrative Sciences For Public Administration Interests (MAP)

Bachelor (S1) of all disciplines.


Master Management (MM) for Interest in Financial Management, Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, and Education Management

Bachelor (S1) of all disciplines.


Marine Science Master For Interest In Fishery Management

Undergraduate (S1) Fisheries Science, or Sarjana (S1) in scientific fields that are related to Fisheries Science, or Diploma IV (D-IV) in the field of Fisheries.


Mathematical Education Master (MPMt)

1. Bachelor (S1) of Mathematics or Mathematical Education, Bachelor (S1) Statistics,

2. With the status of a teacher in the field of Mathematics,widyaiswara in the field of Mathematics, or a lecturer in the field of Mathematics.


Basic Education Masters

1. Undergraduate (S1) for Basic Education or other Schools (S1) for Education,

2. Non-Education Undergraduate (S1) and has a Teaching Deed,

3. Has become a junior high school or junior high school teacher or education staff at the elementary or junior high school level (proven with a decree from the P&K or SK Service



English Language Education Master Program (MPBI)

1. Certificate S-1 English or S-1 English Language and Literature Education,


Study Master Program

Scholars (S1) or Diploma IV (D-IV) in various fields of science or professional fields.


Environment (MSL)


Doctor's Program of Management Science (DIM) in the field of interest: Financial Management, Marketing Management, and Human Resources Management.

Magisters (S-2) from various fields of science.


Public Administration Doctor Program (DAP)

The Magister (S-2) of the relevant professional study program or field.


Other Requirements

Talking about the Open University, you can see some details of the perculian cost by reading: "Open University Lecture Feature".

So after knowing the requirements for the Open University Masters List, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!