This Is A Historical Fact Of Relations Between Iran And Israel Before Heating

YOGYAKARTA - The history of relations between Iran and Israel is arguably quite a dug, why? Because in the past Iran thought that Israel was a friend and even worked together.

But currently relations between the two countries seem even more severe after the two countries have carried out retaliatory attacks in recent times. Israel, which hit Iran on Friday (19/4) night, also targeted Iranian military facilities in the city of Isfahan.

It is known that several Israeli-owned ballistic missiles were successfully paralyzed by Iranian air defense systems located in a number of areas.

The counter-attack was due to a retaliatory attack that was previously attacked by Iran because one of the Consultants in Damascus, Syria was destroyed by Israeli action.

The retaliatory attack sparked the fire of tensions that broke out in the Middle East region.

Then, how do the Iranian and Israeli bonds actually take place?

The association between Iran and Israel was not a problem before. Moreover, Iran recognized Israel's sovereignty in 1950 and considered it a friend.

As a full country member of the United Nations (UN) Iran also designed a resolution of 2 countries for the Palestinian territories after being released from the grip of Britain.

Tehran, then led by Mohammad Reza Syah Pahlavi, opposed the draft resolution for fear of an escalation in the Middle East.

"Iran, together with India and Islam, proposed an alternative plan, a federative solution, namely to defend Palestine as one country with one parliament but divided into an Arab and Jewish territory," Oxford University historian Eirik Kvindesland told Al Jazeera.

Kvindesland considers that Tehran aims to promote a positive bond with a pro-Zionist Western country.

The association between Iran and Western countries can also be seen from the efforts of the United States in helping Syah to obtain his seat of power after a coup in 1953.

After that, the two strengthened ties by carrying out military cooperation to improve the Muthir missile system under the code name Project Flower, which was reported by New Arab.

Not only in the field of defense, Iran and Israel also agreed to cooperate in the economic sector. This can be seen from a cooperation company called Trans-Asiatic Oil.

This they underwent in order to encourage the Israeli economy affected by the oil embargoes of anti-Israeli Arab countries.

Damaged Iran-Israel Relations

The end of the cooperation ties between the two countries has been seen since Ayatollah Khomeini emerged as the leader of the revolution that toppled the Shah government.

Khomeini brought the revolution to a change for Iran as a Shia Islamic law-based country.

Iran also immediately cut all ties with Israel and several pro-Israelian Western countries. Until the Israeli Embassy in Tehran was also converted into a Palestinian embassy.

According to the executive vice president's explanation ofORNE Institute for Responsible Statecraft, Trita Parsi said that Khomeini is trying to separate Palestinian interests from the political goals of pro-Western Arab countries.

"To tackle the Arab-Persia split as well as the Sunni-Syiah split, Iran is taking a much more aggressive position in the Palestinian issue of demonstrating the credibility of its leadership in the Islamic world and placing the Arab regime allied with the United States in a defensive position," Parsi said.

Anti-Israeli and anti-US attitudes are one of the things that underlie Iran's desire to really cut ties with Israel.

Currently, the ties between the two countries are heating up after a retaliatory attack between the two countries. Moreover, Iran, which has several proxies of military groups in other countries, has openly rejected Israel's stance on genocide against Palestinians.

However, Iran, which has benefited from defense cooperation from Western countries and Israel, continues to be developed. Therefore, Tehran has several advanced military systems that can rival Israel's strengths.

Iran's development efforts have been rejected and criticized by the international community to the West. They criticized because they saw Iran's ability as a country that must be monitored by the world.

This is because Iran has several military facilities and nuclear development sites that can be used at any time as war equipment.

Successfully preventing airstrikes from Iran, this turns out to be Israel's Missile Defense Method.

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