BMKG: 81 Tectonic Earthquakes Shake North Sulawesi Region And Around April 12-18 2024

JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) of the Manado Geophysics Station recorded 81 tectonic earthquakes shaking the North Sulawesi region and its surroundings during the period 12-18 April 2024. "There was one earthquake felt in the Maluku Sea," said the Coordinator of the Data and Information Division of the BMKG Manado Geophysics Station Muhammad Zulkifli, in Manado, quoted from Antara, Saturday, April 20. Based on the strength of the earthquake or magnitude, according to him, 49 earthquakes were recorded with a magnitude of 3.0 to 4.9. Meanwhile, 31 earthquakes had a magnitude of less than 3.0 magnitudes and one earthquake had a magnitude of more than 4.9 magnitudes. Based on its depth, he said, 46 earthquakes were categorized as shallow, between one to 60 kilometers (red circle).

Meanwhile, as many as 34 medium-deep earthquakes occurred at a depth of between 61-300 kilometers (yellow circle) and one earthquake with a depth of more than 300 kilometers (green circle).

"Jika melihat dari peta sebaran, kejadian gempa bumi tersebar di area Teluk Tomini dan Laut Maluku hingga Kepulauan Talaud," katanya.

Pada pekan sebelumnya, Stasiun Geofisika mencatat sebanyak 85 kali kejadian gempa bumi, satu dirasakan di Laut Maluku.Berdasarkan kekuatan gempa, sebanyak 62 gempa bumi merupakan gempa dengan kekuatan 3,0 hingga 4.9 magnitudo, sebanyak 22 gempa berkekuatan dari 3.0 magnitudo, dan satu gempa berkekuatan lebih dari 4,9 magnitudo.