Realizing Sustainable Industry, Grand Batang City Becomes Sampoerna Kayoe's New House Of Expansion

PT Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang City (Grand Batang City) received a new injection of enthusiasm with the arrival of its first investor in 2024. Sampoerna Kayoe, a well-known company from Singapore engaged in the Wood Pellet production industry, signed an Industrial Land Utilization Agreement (PPTI) with PT Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang on Friday 19 April.

Sampoerna Kayoe will occupy an area of 5.2 Ha with a total investment value of 25 million US dollars. Sampoerna Kayoe's move signifies their strong commitment to contribute to industrial development in Indonesia.

This investment not only opens up new opportunities for economic progress in Batang, Central Java, but is also proof of the attractiveness and great potential possessed by the Batang Integrated Industrial Zone.

Sampoerna Kayoe, part of PT Sumber Graha Sejahtera, has made a brilliant journey over the past 35 years. Sampoerna Kayoe's concept of "green product" and "green process" is the main attraction. Wood waste is processed into wood pellets that are not only beneficial, but also environmentally friendly. This innovation is in line with Grand Batang City's vision to create a sustainable industrial area.

Wood pellets produced by Sampoerna Kayoe will later be used as fuel for biomass power plants (green power plant). This is Sampoerna Kayoe's concrete step in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to renewable energy.

Sampoerna Kayoe has big ambitions, which is to penetrate the global market with a target of 100 percent exports. Currently, their products have reached various countries, where their products are used by Biomass Power Plant in Japan

Now, Sampoerna Kayoe is moving further by investing in the Batang Integrated Industrial Zone. This strategic step marks a new era for Sampoerna Kayoe, where they are ready to expand their reach and contribute more to the progress of the national industry.

The establishment of the Sampoerna Kayoe factory in Batang is predicted to absorb 173 workers. Interestingly, 68 percent of them will be recruited from local workers. This is certainly good news for the people of Batang, who will get job opportunities and improve their standard of living.

Ngurah Wirawan, President Director of PT Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang, stated that his party was very happy with Sampoerna Kayoe's decision to invest in PT Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang.

"This shows their confidence in the potential of the industry in our area and will provide a significant impetus for regional economic development," he explained.

On the same occasion, Sampoerna Kayoe's Director, Johanes Ibrahim Tjendana, added that his party's commitment to investing in Indonesia continues.

"We are sure that collaboration with PT Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang will bring great benefits to both parties. We hope this investment can be the first step in strengthening the biomass industry in Indonesia and our contribution in supporting sustainable energy security," said Ibrahim.

The presence of Sampoerna Kayoe is expected to have a positive impact on various parties, ranging from creating new jobs, export orientation, to encouraging local economic growth. The synergy between Sampoerna Kayoe and the Batang Integrated Industrial Zone deserves appreciation as a step forward in advancing the national industry and strengthening Indonesia's position in the international arena.

Sampoerna Kayoe has a high commitment to minimize the negative impact on the environment. This is evidenced by the use of wood waste into finished sticks for biomass fuel.

Sampoerna Kayoe's vision to contribute to environmentally friendly industries is in line with the ideals of the Batang Integrated Industrial Estate (KITB) in creating sustainable industrial areas.

Sampoerna Kayoe's investment in KITB is clear evidence of a strong synergy between these two parties to realize a sustainable future. KITB is committed to providing infrastructure and services that support green industry operations, such as wastewater management systems and renewable energy.

The synergy between Sampoerna Kayoe and KITB is expected to be a model for other industries in implementing environmentally friendly practices. With strong collaboration, these two parties can contribute to realizing sustainable and responsible industries, as well as minimizing negative impacts on the environment.