Ada Perjanjian IA-CEPA., Kemendag Mendorong Produk Agricultural Indonesia Masuk Pasar Australia

The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) has just partnered with a company from East Java to apply for approval to become an agricultural product irradiation service provider to the Australian government.

The Trade Attache of the Republic of Indonesia in Canberra Agung Haris Setiawan said this effort was part of the implementation of the economic relations between Indonesia and Australia since the enactment of the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) in 2020.

"We trade representatives in Australia are ready to help Indonesian agricultural products enter the international market, especially the Australian market. This is because Indonesia's superior agricultural products have enormous potential," said Haris in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, April 20.

Haris said interest in Indonesian agricultural products, including mangosteen, was quite high in the international market. The value of Indonesia's mangosteen exports reached around 75 million US dollars in 2022.

However, strict biosecurity rules are still a major obstacle for Indonesia to enter the Australian market.

This new initiative is expected to open up opportunities for farmers and mangosteen exporters from Indonesia to enter a wider and potential new market in a third country.

"The Ministry of Trade through the Indonesian Trade Attache in Canberra, together with PT Energi Sterila Higiena, Catalys, and the Australian Government, are committed to realizing success in strengthening economic relations between Indonesia and Australia," said Haris.

Director of the IA-CEPA Economic Cooperation Program Catalyst Paul Bartlett welcomed and is ready to provide, as well as facilitate every necessary need.

"This step is our commitment to expand market access and increase the competitiveness of Indonesian agricultural products in the Australian market," Paul said.

The founder of PT Energi Sterila Higiena Dahlan Iskan hopes that, after completing all the necessary stages of study and training, PT Energi Sterila Higiena can become an irradiation service provider recognized by the Australian government.

In addition, it can also open up wider export opportunities for Indonesian agricultural products.

"We appreciate the Indonesian Ministry of Trade and Trade Attache in Canberra for supporting our efforts to increase the competitiveness of Indonesian agricultural products," said Dahlan.