FBI: Chinese Hackers Ready To Attack US Infrastructure

JAKARTA - Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Christopher Wray revealed that a hacker group named Volt Typhoon managed to enter US-owned critical infrastructure. The hacker is from China. Quoted from Reuters, Volt Typhoon has infiltrated dozens of company-owned infrastructures in America such as energy, water, telecommunications, and much more. Volt Typhoon is known to make 23 pipeline operators the main targets for now. After entering the infrastructure, Volt Typhoon has not taken any action yet. According to Wray, they are developing, "the ability to physically bring disaster to our important infrastructure at the time they have chosen."Wray, during a speech at Vanderbilt University, stated that this hacker group will provide attacks in stages and start with the lightest one. Infrastructure from the civilian sector will be the main target of Volt Typhoon. Although the FBI has read out the Volt Typhoon movement, Wray admits that they have struggled in determining the meaning of the Volt Typhoon action so far. Most likely, this attack is China's attempt to hinder the US action to defend Taiwan. Conflict between China and Taiwan has been going on for a long time. China considers Taiwan as part of its country, but Taiwan wants to stand alone and continues to use force to break away from Chinese control.

Taiwan tidak setuju dengan klaim tersebut dan menganggap bahwa mereka bukan bagian dari China. China dan AS juga telah berkonflik sejak lama sehingga keikutsertaan AS mungkin memancing kemarahan mereka. Namun, China membantah tuduhan AS.Juru bicara dari Kementrian Luar Negeri China menegaskan bahwa Volt Typhoon tidak menjalin hubungan apa pun dengan pemerintah China. Kelompok peretas itu hanyalah kelompok kriminal yang memanfaatkanransomware.Sebaliknya, Kedutaan Besar China di AS mengatakan beberapa pihak dari AS sengaja menelusuri asal-usul serangan siber untuk menjebak China. Mereka akan, "mengklaim AS sebagai korban, sementara yang terjadi sebaliknya dan mempolitisasi masalah keamanan siber.”