SiTime Launches New Chip To Improve AI Data Center Efficiency

JAKARTA - SiTime introduced a chip on Wednesday 17 April, which it claims is designed to help data centers built for artificial intelligence applications run more efficiently.

SiTime, known as the maker of the time-regulatory chip, whose job is to provide a stable tap for all parts of the computer and keep them running together synchronously. It's like a conductor in an orchestra that directs several groups of instruments.

The company says that their new chip line, called Chorus, can do so with a precision of 10 times higher than older time-regulatory chip models.

SiTime CEOfaat Vashist said the company wanted to help customers save electricity with that precision. The SiTime chip itself requires less than one watt of power, but a powerful AI chip like Nvidia's requires more than 1,000 watts of power.

With a more precise clock to keep all elements of the synchronous computer, these parts of the machine can be turned off for a few milliseconds when not used. Over the years the use of a wasteful data center server can result in energy saving, although the amount will depend on how the SiTime chip is used.

"We provide time controllers that users can rely on so they can wake up their products and bring data more efficiently to them, rather than just walking more often," Vashist said in an interview.

SiTime said that the chip will be available in the second half of this year.